Help Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel

Help Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel“One of the things I think is true for people is that you need someone in your life that is associated with that light at the end of the tunnel. It’s very very difficult to find it yourself, it’s very difficult to find it if no one around you can see it. But if you’re fortunate, you’ll see that somewhere in someone, or parts of it in different people and then you can put it together.” ~ Jordan Peterson [Read more…]

Human Brain is Not Designed for Constant Flood of Information

Human Brain is Not Designed for Constant Flood of Informationby Chris Banescu –
Our brains are not designed to be constantly flooded and overloaded with information. Our brains are not engineered for continual stimulation. Our brains are not meant to be constantly distracted. Unfortunately, modern technologies, applications, and platforms using globally connected networks instantly deliver to us nearly-infinite choices and opportunities to continually stimulate, entertain, distract, and addict us. [Read more…]

Healthy Rituals and Good Habits Are Necessary to Achieve Great Goals

Excessive Focus on Goals Without Change of Daily Habits Can Lead to Failure and Disappointmentby Chris Banescu –
Setting personal and professional goals is important. Defining specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound goals is smart. Setting meaningful goals is wise. However, an excessive focus on goal-setting without a corresponding change in our daily habits can often lead to failure and disappointment. [Read more…]

YouTube: No Search Functionality in Liked or Saved Videos

YouTube: No Search Functionality in Liked or Saved Videosby Chris Banescu –
YouTube, currently the largest video platform in the world, does not provide search functionality for your liked or saved videos. You’re allowed to search all YouTube videos for specific key words and terms, but you cannot search solely within your own lists of liked or saved videos. [Read more…]

Human Beings Cannot Live Without Hope

Human Beings Cannot Live Without HopeMen can live for forty days without food, for four days without water, and for about four minutes without air. But they cannot live for four seconds without hope.

Human beings cannot live without hope. Hope is the fuel that powers our souls, inspires our minds, invigorates our hearts, and motivates us to act. Hope carries us through the toughest moments. Hope gives us the energy to fight and do something useful with our lives. Hope helps us live life and live it more abundantly. [Read more…]