Employees Are An Organization’s Most Valuable Resource

Employees Are An Organization's Most Valuable Resourceby Chris Banescu –
Employees are an organization’s most valuable resource. They must be managed fairly and equitably. They must be appreciated and respected. Leaders must strive to build relationships based on integrity, trust, and mutual understanding with the individuals they lead. Management must always remember that employees, especially engaged, loyal, smart, productive, and responsible ones are to be managed with care and concern.

Employees who are treated well, know their jobs are secure and management has their backs, are paid fairly and equitably, and are trusted and respected by their leaders and organizations, will be much more productive and loyal. They will literally give it their all and always strive to go “above-and-beyond,” safe in the knowledge that the company they work for genuinely cares about them and has a vested interest in their success and well-being.

Executives mismanage their most valuable resource in the worst possible ways.

Unfortunately, this obvious principle is frequently overlooked in too many companies and organizations. While managers, leaders, and executives pay lip service to the idea that employees are valuable and important, management’s behavior and attitudes fail to deliver. Even worse, employees are often taken for granted, mistreated, abused, or treated like disposable tissue paper. Executives mismanage their most valuable resource in the worst possible ways.

Why should executives care and change their ways? Because, true, healthy, and sustainable long-term profitability can only be achieved by following an ethical and strategic approach where the company leaders focus their efforts on continually meeting and exceeding their customers’ expectations and treating employees as the organization’s most valuable resource. Without engaged, productive, appreciated, loyal, and hard-working employees, an organization cannot consistently and effectively meet and exceed their customers’ expectations and be successful and prosper for the long term.

companies that effectively appreciate employee value enjoy a return on equity and assets more than triple that experienced by firms that don’t

“When employees feel that the company takes their interest to heart, then the employees will take company interests to heart,” writes Dr. Noelle Nelson in her book Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy. According to a study from the Jackson Organization research consultancy that she cites in her book, “companies that effectively appreciate employee value enjoy a return on equity and assets more than triple that experienced by firms that don’t.”

Treating employees right represents a 300% improvement potential over the status quo! Now that should get the attention of even the most greedy, self-centered, and selfish executives and maybe, just maybe, motivate them to change their ways and treat their employees as their most valuable resource.

Employees Are An Organization's Most Valuable Resource

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