Courage is the Virtue that Makes All Other Virtues Possible

Courage is the virtue that makes all other virtues possible. Courage helps us develop and sharpen our character. by Chris Banescu –
Courage is the virtue that makes all other virtues possible. Courage helps us develop and sharpen our character. Courage is what enables us to practice all the other virtues, especially when doing so exacts a significant cost in our personal life, professional career, or business.

It’s not enough to know and believe in the virtues. We must act on them. Belief in, intellectual affirmation of, or knowledge of the virtues alone is not enough to develop our character. We must practice them! And this is where courage comes in and helps us to take appropriate action.

All courageous speech and conduct must be grounded in reality, ethics, and integrity. Our words and actions must support and defend truth, goodness, justice, and righteousness. This is important, because unethical, corrupt, or wicked individuals can also use courage to support evil purposes and unrighteous goals.

Wisdom needs to accompany courage. We must be “wise as serpents, but innocent as doves.” We have to discern when and how to speak or act courageously. While it’s good to be courageous, it’s not wise to unnecessarily expose ourselves to danger or lose our livelihoods or businesses when situations don’t call for it.

Be smart and prudent in how you act courageously. Carefully consider the reasons for and think through the consequences of your conduct. There are times when we must speak and act regardless of circumstances; especially when innocence is abused or threatened. Our conscience is pretty good at letting us know when those situations arise.

Sometimes silence is the best course of action. Other times, walking away is the most courageous thing we can do; let our actions speak for us. In all circumstances however, doing nothing when our conscience and moral compass dictate otherwise is cowardice. Refusing to speak or act in those instances will compromise and weaken our character. It will make us less likely to act courageously next time when needed.

Be prepared to pay the costs! Speaking and acting courageously in defense of truth, goodness, and righteousness, will almost always lead to some form of suffering. Truth speakers that challenge unethical leaders, criticize corrupt leadership structures, or draw attention to dysfunctional organizational situations will always be attacked and defamed. You will pay a price for saying and doing the right things! Do it anyway, whenever possible.

Courage breeds courage! The habit of courage will embolden you to take more courageous action. The long-term benefits that courage confers on your character will far outweigh the costs and sacrifices made along the way. Not only will you become a better person, but your courage will inspire and encourage others to speak and act courageously. Your goodness will attract others to emulate your courage. This in turn reduces the power and influence of wicked individuals and dysfunctional organizations.

Finally, practicing the virtues trains the heart to always seek goodness, sharpens the mind to discern truth, and illumines the soul to seek righteousness.

On the other side of courage lie true freedom, peace, and joy!

Courage is the virtue that makes all other virtues possible. Courage helps us develop and sharpen our character.

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