Get Busy Living!

Get busy living, or get busy dyingby Chris Banescu –
Life is hard, for everyone. It’s a constant battle to stay grounded and deal with adversity. To endure and thrive, we must continually sharpen our souls and minds, strengthen our tenacity, discern truth, avoid dangers, and solve problems. We must fight to stay healthy, balanced, and sane.

Seeking the company and counsel of good and decent men and women helps us on our journey. Experience and wisdom allow us to discern the truth and live in reality. Courage gives us the determination to accept the truth and take action.

Learning continually allows us to adapt and change. Reading good books gives us the knowledge to know what to do. Discipline allows us to consistently, creatively, and rationally deal with problems, find pragmatic solutions, and move toward meaningful goals.

Mistakes, disappointments, and setbacks don’t become failures until we refuse to correct them or we give up; often preferring to wallow in self-pity and blaming everything else for our misfortunes or troubles. Long-term failures develop when we purposely ignore truth and make excuses, instead of taking the necessary steps to correct our mistakes and make better choices.

“Get busy living, or get busy dying,” is the famous phrase delivered by both the “Andy Dufresne” character (played by Tim Robbins) and the “Red” Redding character (played by Morgan Freeman), in The Shawshank Redemption movie. We’re all going to die eventually. Meanwhile, we have to start living a purposeful and meaningful life, each in our own way. Giving up is the worst kind of death. Never do that.

Fight to live. Don’t waste your life. Live your life fully for a greater purpose. Embrace the truth, shake off your disappointments, renew your mind, steel your resolve, overcome your anxieties and fears, practice discipline, and pursue what’s important and meaningful. Never give up.

Life is a gift. Get busy living!

Get busy living, or get busy dying

2 thoughts on “Get Busy Living!”

  1. Enjoyed reading this one early this morning that gave me a big boost for the day. Thank you my friend for sharing your wisdom.


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