If You Are Worried or Anxious, Shift Your Focus

If You Are Worried or Anxious, Shift Your Focusby Chris Banescu –

In times of uncertainty, in times of trials and tribulations, and in times of worldwide crisis—like the current one caused by the coronavius pandemic which spread from communist China—we become worried and fearful. The uncertainty and danger cause us to be anxious and stressed, or more anxious and stressed than normal.

For many of us, prayer, meditation, attending religious services, and fellowship with friends and family can help reduce the worry and anxiety we feel. But what if prayer and meditation are not enough? What if their effects are only temporary? What if, as we experience presently, churches and other houses of worship are closed by government fiat and we’re unable to worship and have fellowship with our brethren? What else can we do?

Getting busy takes your mind off your own troubles.

Dale Carnegie, provides some sensible advice on how we can deal with this anxiety and worry. “If you’re finding yourself getting worried, take on a new project. Learn a new skill. Do something you believe in. Focus on the needs of others. Getting busy takes your mind off your own troubles. You’ll also be serving others, which will make you feel better about yourself,” advises Carnegie.

He is right. Doing meaningful work and focusing on creative endeavors channel our energy into a positive direction and let our brains do something more constructive. Alternatively, knowledge workers who are constantly engaged in brain-intensive activities, can chose manual labor projects (gardening, woodworking, sewing, mechanical repair, arts and crafts) as a way to calm our minds. Working with our hands on tasks that don’t demand too much cognitively, “gives the mind a chance to relax and rest,” observes Dr. Susan Biali Haas, a physician who specializes on burnout prevention and mental health.

Do something you believe in.

Inspiration and creativity are added bonuses of letting our brains relax while we work with our hands. It allows our minds to roam free while we focus on the manual labor. Our brains have an amazing ability to work in the background and problem-solve. I’ve discovered some of my best ideas and solved many complicated work-related problems while gardening, working on our home, or fixing household appliances.

Finally, thinking more of others and less about ourselves is universally known to help us feel better. When we focus on the needs of others, especially those we are uniquely equipped and able to help, makes us feel needed and useful. It gives us the opportunity to do meaningful work and forget about our own troubles and worries. And when we engage in meaningful work, we often find joy and peace; which in turn drive out fear and anxiety.

If You Are Worried or Anxious, Shift Your Focus

(Photo credit Pixabay)

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