Enormous Difference Between Knowing and Doing

Enormous Difference Between Knowing and Doingby Chris Banescu –

There is an enormous difference between knowing and doing. Most of us know exactly what we should be doing, but we don’t actually do it.

  • We know we should eat healthy and exercise regularly.
  • We know we should watch less TV and read more good books.
  • We know we should spend less and save more.
  • We know we should stop wasting time on frivolous and superficial things.
  • We know we should spend more quality time with our spouse and family.
  • We know we should control our temper and tongue.
  • We know we should be more patient and understanding.
  • We know we should pray more and strengthen our character.
  • We know we should be following our vocation.

Just because we know what’s best for us doesn’t mean our behavior changes accordingly. It’s not lack of knowledge or understanding that prevent us from doing the work. It’s lack of discipline and concrete action that are the culprits. We avoid doing the necessary work and changing the daily habits that can bring about positive and desirable changes in our lives.

Do the work, today! Begin right now.

We can also become overwhelmed by acquiring too much knowledge. We are inundated with plenty of information on “what” we should do, but seem unable to decide which approach to use. We become paralyzed with indecision. Sometimes we mentally exhaust ourselves by thinking too long about “how” we should start and how to prepare to reach key goals, but we ultimately do nothing. We stay stuck where we are and add disappointment to our list of things we’re not addressing.

So what’s the solution? How do we get ourselves out of this rut? How do we become unstuck?

It’s simple, if we’re willing to act. Do some of that important work, today! Begin right now. Do one thing today that you know you should be doing. Work on one area of your life today that will help you. Complete one thing today that your future self will thank you for.

Pick something, anything, that you can complete in the next 15-20 minutes and get busy. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be complicated or world-changing; just doable. Start doing it and aim to complete it.

favorable conditions never come

Then, if you have the energy and time, pick another task and do it. Take another small step in the right direction. Make one more specific positive change in your life this very day.

The worst thing you can do is to say: “I’ll start tomorrow.” No! Get up and do it now. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Don’t contemplate on it. Don’t come up with excuses why you can’t start. Don’t expect the “right” conditions to arrive. In the wise words of C.S. Lewis, “favorable conditions never come.” There will always be distractions and problems that life will bring your way. Don’t let them stop you from doing the most important things. Get up, get moving, and get it done.

Put into practice what you already know.

Then, do the work again tomorrow. Keep the momentum going. Maybe add one more positive change you can tackle; and so on. Continue to take concrete steps every single day that move you in the right direction. Put into practice what you already know. You will gain the confidence and strength needed to move forward.

Stop procrastinating. Stop making excuses. Get out of your own head and get busy. Do the important work, every single day! You will feel better and live better.

Enormous Difference Between Knowing and Doing
(Photo credit Pixabay)

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