It’s Business, It’s Always Personal

It is Business, It is Always Personalby Chris Banescu –
All of us, at some point in our careers, have probably heard management utter the mantra, “it’s not personal, it’s business.” And if we weren’t the intended recipients of this dreaded phrase, we most likely know someone who was, or we have seen or heard of situations where this has happened.

This expression frequently appears when superiors mistreat employees and attempt to excuse their actions by pretending that the dynamics of human relationships are radically different at work. They are not. Human beings work in these companies, institutions, and organizations. Employees don’t abandon their humanity when they enter their workplaces.

This idea that business isn’t personal is total BS. Business is personal. – Marcus Lemonis

Excerpts from Chapter 13 in Pursue Your Freedom and Happiness: Break Free From Dysfunctional Organizations. Invest in Yourself. Build Long-Term Success. (Available as a Paperback or in eBook format.)

(Photo credit Unsplash)

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